i am wondering, is there a way to resume animation.
say, i have my computer running for days but need to do a restart for some reason. is there a way to resume animation rendering and giving the option to continue from a specific frame?
Just pause, reboot or bluescreen, drag animation timeline slider or set desired frame in box next to it, then start rendering animation as usual.
Some of the things take time to learn but they make sense.
Rendering video after animations finishes seems to be suitable only for a preview video. Frames should be imported into video editor as image sequence to get desired whatever.
As for wrap function, would it be possible to have it per parameter? Or have option to ignore the wrap function. This is because not all changes in fractal is wrap friendly the way how it is handled right now.
Another idea to overcome is to have option for 'teleport' for wrap for numbers. This is because in structured fractal animations, for example, you can have transform bipolar which looks the same at 0 and 2 and having wrap on it will first go from 0 to 2 and then back 1.9.. 1.7.. 1.4.. 0.7.. until at 0 again when it should just go 0 -> 2 -> 0. Same can be applied to when moving pre_affine of transform Modulus.
And this is problem when animating actual fractals than random batch chaos.